About us

All that glitters it’s not necessary gold; but it should equally be added that not even all that is gold glitters.
(Friedrich Hebbel)


We are … passion, tradition, experience, training, planning, creativity, quality, professionalism, courtesy, precision, punctuality, evolution, innovation, responsibility, recycling, environment, protection, resources, energy, promotion, commitment, solidarity, participation and …more and more.

Taglio lastre polistirolo-Cutting EPS sheets-El corte de planchas de poliestireno
Dettaglio EPS-EPS detail-Detalle de EPS

2016: beginning

White Gold Packaging srl was founded in July 2016 by the will of the Founder and CEO, Mr Marco Zarinelli, to revitalize the work experience gained in the family business. Tradition and passion are the supporting core, the basis of this dynamic reality: continue to operate in the packaging industry, the tradition, giving life to a personal, effective, solid and motivated style, the passion . We want to promote the use of polystyrene for its proven qualities of ductility, lightness, durability and eco-sustainability: it’s the white gold, the White Gold Packaging.


2017: growing

We had an immediate success and a rapid growth. At the end of 2017 the society well established itself and the new goal was another evolution: a new brand, a new beginning. We want to participate to the new Industrial Revolution, the 4.0 Revolution. We want to be a 4.0 Society.


We want to be part of the new Industrial Revolution: to be smart. We don’t just want to adopt new production technologies, but to propose innovation. The first form of innovation required of a 4.0 Society is the ability to offer a project, capable of satisfying the needs and expectations for quality, precision and speed of evasion, not only a pre-packaged product. This involves knowing how to be reactive towards market demands, acquiring a critical sense to improve, grow and, when necessary, correct. It is important to create a cohesive and bidirectional relationship between the various moments and components of a business reality, a true  ecosystem 4.0, based on industrial automation, computerization of processes, rational use of energy: smart production, smart service and smart energy.

WGP Logo per la Spagna-WGP Logo for Spain-WGP Logotipo

2019: WGP 4.0 ESPAÑA

The intrinsic dynamism of White Gold Packaging goes beyond the Italian borders to reach Spain, a country with a young soul and full of opportunities. It’s not only a new reference market: a team of professionals with proven experience in the logistics management of large industrial societies want to offer excellent consulting both in the decision-making phase and in the most operational phase to reach the goal of a supply chain fully functional, a strategic factor to achieve business competitiveness. Therefore WGP 4.0 España becomes synonymous with high quality logistics consultancy: smart consulting is born.

2021: Gold Quality

A 4.0 Company must be a quality reality. We want to achieve the goal that each product or service is always considered qualitatively adequate, customers always get an excellent response to their needs and we are always winners in a comparison with other packaging offers. From the second half of 2020 we have adopted qualitative parameters that allow us to evaluate with objectivity what we offer and how we operate, with no tolerance for errors or lack of professionality, to privilege and enhance the service / product combination for 2021. Quality 4.0 means combining a good product with attention to all the specific services that anticipate, go with and follow its supply, creating accord and trust in our customers.

wgpeco web


It is the responsibility and duty of every Company to minimize the impact of its activities on the environment: this is achieved with production processes that are careful about energy consumption and atmospheric emissions, with the responsible disposal of production waste, with the use, where possible, of recycled material, and by promoting the adoption of this type of product. WGP has always been environmentally conscious: polystyrene packaging, our core business, plays an important role in the battle to reduce energy consumption and gas emissions into the atmosphere, the cause of the birth and progression of the harmful greenhouse effect. It is certain that proper use of this product in areas such as packaging and thermal insulation can go as far as reducing CO2 emissions by as much as 50 percent. Our consolidated experience in the packaging sector allows us to propose the use of regenerated polystyrene, EPS RIG, with densities varying from 10Kg/mc to 22Kg/mc, with the same performance as virgin material, but lower environmental impact and lower CO2 emissions. We also promote free EPS production waste recovery through cooperation with its qualified partners. The use of EPS RIG and adherence to waste collection offers our Customers the opportunity to highlight themselves as a green company in their territorial context.

WGP 4.0 Smart Production

Human soul and robotic precision. For a smart production is essential a perfect human-machine synergy: the right person with the right machine.

Industrial automation is often associated with the sacrifice of jobs, aimed at providing quality and precision. We will be able to evolve this way of thinking, because we’re sure that smart solutions are born from the incomparable union of rationality and emotionality, typical of human being, who knows how to guess intuitively and decide rationally. The machine comes into play with its undeniable ability to quickly translate and accurately replicate the human rational decision.
Providing our customers with a high quality standard product is to look for technologically advanced solutions and to have skilled staff, not replaced by the machine, but relieved by those heavy tasks that may alienate production capacity over time.

WGP 4.0 Smart Service

Quality working for a quality offer. The quality outside (It means of your product) strictly depends on quality inside (it means the way of working).

Computer & Cloud: the new frontier in the IT World, an evolution from the original concept of network. The first concept of network and then Internet itself, gives the opportunity to every user to communicate and collect information all around the world. The new cloud concept extends the data storage capacity, getting over the physical limit of your own hardware. Cloud generally means working with a virtual hardware and software system. In that way, the single user’s resources will be infinite.
WGP 4.0 develops and promotes in its staff the awareness of the potential of the cloud, using it in a conscious way in all its forms, from the virtual PBX, to the home automation system, enhancing the effectiveness of each action, improving the quality inside and outside.

WGP 4.0 Smart Energy

Progress and protection for earth environmental. Understanding that energy is to be preserved means having deep down the conviction that we are not only responsible for the present but also for the future.

A reasoned use of energy, even if it involves more economic cost and more investments in the present, means making the sustainable as a testimonial of one’s way of being and acting, today for tomorrow.
WGP 4.0 prefers technological solutions that offer the guarantee of a conscious use of energy. For this reason, we use regenerated raw material in our production, guaranteeing the same performance and quality. Here is a concrete example of sensitivity towards the earth environment, without loss of progress and ability to offer performing products.

WGP 4.0 Smart Consulting

Originally the term logistics represented the organization of the distribution of the finished product, involving the warehouse and the transports. Evolving hand in hand with increasingly complex and computerized industrial realities, it now becomes an inter-functional managerial process that has the task of implementing and controlling the most effective flow of raw materials, semi-finished and finished products, capable of guaranteeing efficiency of the industrial reality, both internally and towards its customer base.

With the new Spanish reality, we want to help Societies in this task, offering a consultancy based on many years of experience in the field, able to identify critical points and strengths, cutting out a solution in our style, a customized solution.

WGP 4.0 Smart Quality

In a dialogue, verbs such as improve, develop, refine, enrich, progress, enhance represent actions that create the quality of a work. Our quality objective aims to constantly improve the offer of our services, to develop new solutions that take care of the evolving customer’s needs, to refine the consolidated ones, to constantly enrich our service range, and to progress in the research of environmentally friendly materials and operating methods, enhancing the positive perception of our work and the value of our packaging solutions

WGP 4.0 Smart Green Solution

To define an environmentally sustainable product, an expression that can be translated into preferable for the environment, the entire life cycle is studied, analyzing specific indicators, of which one very important one is GWP, which is designed to measure in Kg of CO2 the potential greenhouse effect induced in the production of a given quantity of the product itself. The values obtained for polystyrene are definitely optimal when compared to other insulators such as cork or rock wool:
– Graphite EPS thickness 100mm – GWP 8.83
– Cork thickness 100mm – GWP 12.00
– Rock wool thickness 100mm – GWP 24.00
The EPS RIG offered to our Customers is obtained by mixing 30-40% regenerated material to the virgin material: this process can be repeated several times using processing scraps and packaging recovered at the end of life in good (clean) condition. A really smart green solution for the natural environment!

Gold People: in the heart of quality

A tight-knit, synergistic, professionally capable team, detail-oriented, always ready to grow and give its customer an excellent service and product: here is White Gold!

Gold People


Smart Packaging & Consulting


Quality Solutions


Gold Partner: not just suppliers…

To obtain a total quality inside, you would not ignore the quality of your suppliers. We both should have the same feeling of product and service quality .
WGP4 and its Partners should be reactive to the IT evolution, being careful using resources, avoiding energy waste, quickly processing requests, promoting the packaging recycling without damaging final quality and safeguarding earth environment.
Our Partner are ISO certified or if not, they are able to offer serious, high quality and proven services.

Produzione blocchi polistirolo-EPS blocks production-Producción de EPS
Taglio del polistirolo
Taglio lastre polistirolo-Cutting EPS sheets-El corte de planchas de poliestireno

Bairo: First Production Site

Specialized in the processing of EPS, it offers long-term expertise, precision and speed of execution. It’s an ISO 9000 Certified Society that covers 25,000 square meters, always careful to the quality of the product and service.

Stampaggio polistirolo-Polystyrene molding-Moldeo de poliestireno
Produzione Ice Box-Ice Box production-Producción de Ice Box
Carico per la consegna-Load for delivering-Carga del vehículo para la entrega

Pozzo d’Adda: Second Production Site

Specialized in the molding of EPS, it offers a consolidated competence, from the design to the realization of the mold, to the production of the final article. It’s an ISO 9000 Certified Society, for which quality, innovation and versatility are its important goals.
