Recycling News

Recycling News

The world of recycling is enriched with a new experience. In Italy, the city of Verona experiences the recycling of used diapers (baby diapers, sanitary napkins and adult diapers), placing smart bins outside the kindergartens and supermarkets, suitable containers for the separate collection of this type of waste.
The collected material will be sent to a company in the province of Treviso where is located the first industrial plant in the world for the recovery of this type of material.
The collected products are first sent to the autoclave for sterilization. Once dry, it follows the process of dividing recyclable materials, plastic and cellulose. It is estimated that from a ton of collected material it is possible to obtain 150Kg of cellulose, 75Kg of plastic material and 75Kg of superabsorbent polymer.

Versalis (ENI Group) launched, during K2019, Revive EPS, an expandable sintered polystyrene containing 20% of raw material from recycling of separate collection of glasses, trays, and yogurt cups in polystyrene.
This product has been adopted in the production of EPS, obtaining good quality products both in the field of packaging and construction, another step towards a future that sees recycling and reuse as the basic engine of our industry.

Finally, the construction of a new industrial plant for the recycling of XPS and EPS insulating sheets containing HBCD (Hexabromocyclododecane), the flame retardant now no longer used because listed among the persistent organic pollutants (POP), was started in Terneuzen in the Netherlands. This will recover the bromine contained in the HBCD, so as to allow the recovery of the polystyrene which can be recycled.

Information source Polimerica