10 Jul TWO for EPS
The last European directive, of which we have spoken in our previous news, highlights in an ever more marked way the European desire to build a future in which plastic waste is no longer dispersed in the environment but entirely collected and recycled.
The EPS packaging falls into this category of products: being used in various contexts, they come into contact with polluting factors, even dangerous ones, which require a reclamation of the material before they can be reused as secondary raw material.
The technology of energy recovery from waste and biomass offers an ideal solution with minimal environmental impact, which allows:
To considerably reduce the pollution
that can result from the dispersion of EPS packaging into the environment
To create job opportunities
(the plant requires the presence of two mid-level workers and a manager – staff can be organized on three groups to operate 24h/d for 365d/y)
Request a minimum initial investment,
expandable over time, with low environmental impact
(the plant can last more than 20 years with a simple ordinary maintenance of the parts that compose it)
The system is called TWO, an acronym for Thermal Waste Oxidation, based on the thermo-oxidation technique: the process transforms into a combustible gas a liquid or a solid with long branched carbon-based chains as molecular structures. In normal waste incineration processes, combustion takes place in the presence of a lot of oxygen and this leads to the production of many oxides, some of which, like dioxins and furans, are particularly dangerous.
The TWO system produces a syngas, or synthetic gas, which is composed mostly of H2 (Dihydrogen), making the dangerous oxides close to zero, it is also modular and expandable, completely electric, self-sufficient, with a low level of NOx (nitrogen oxides) and HCl (hydrochloric acid).
TWO consists of three macro elements: primary cells, secondary cells and energy production. In primary cells, in thickened and insulated steel containers to withstand up to 1000 ° C, the material collected undergoes the first treatment for a period of 8-12h. The interior of the cell is heated with electrical resistances and the contained material is transformed into syngas, except for the inorganic material. That material does not contain carbon molecules; than it can be sterilized and recovered to the secondary raw materials market. The ashes produced, not being toxic, can be used in the building sector.
The syngas then passes to the secondary cells, on containers, where, by injecting a small amount of air into an electrically preheated environment, a combustion is activated which cleans the syngas of all dangerous agents. From this second phase it comes out with a temperature close to 800/1000 ° C and can be directed to produce steam, which will feed a turbine for the production of electricity.
The conclusive following data make it clear that the TWO system significantly reduces emissions into the atmosphere, even with respect to the limits imposed by specific legislation to protect the environment (to which the percentages of decrease below are referred).
Total powders – reduced by 90% – Hydrochloric acid – reduced by 72% – Sulfur dioxide – reduced by 70% – Nitrogen oxides – reduced by 89.18% – Carbon monoxide – reduced by 71.60% – Total organic carbon – reduced by 72% – Ammonia – reduced by 100% – Dioxins and furans – reduced by 83% – Heavy metals – reduced by 70% – Mercury – reduced by 60% – Hydrochloric Acid – reduced by 75% – Cadmium – reduced by 64%.